We Will Remember Them
Since the 1990s the Friends of the Richmond Archives have been compiling information on the soldiers who lost their lives in military service during World War I and World War II. The result of this work led to the publication, We Will Remember Them: The Lives Behind the Richmond Cenotaph written by Mary Keen and published by the City of Richmond Archives in 1998.
This publication represents two years of research and writing by Archives volunteer Mary Keen. The purpose of the project was to find out who these young men were, so that all of us have the opportunity to get a little closer to understanding the enormity of the sacrifice they and their families made. Theirs was a sacrifice that is as important and relevant today as it was so many years ago.
The Friends of the Richmond Archives owes a large debt to Mary Keen's insight and dedication. If you would like to purchase a copy of the publication We Will Remember Them: The Lives Behind the Richmond Cenotaph", contact the City of Richmond Archives.
This online exhibit details the lives behind the young men that gave their lives in service in World War I, World War II and the Korean War. This exhibit is divided into two sections: the first section, Lives Behind the Memorial Road Names - Poppy Street Signs, features 56 men that gave their lives during World War I and World War II, are listed on the Richmond Cenotaph, and also have a road named after them; the second section, Lives Behind the Richmond Cenotaph, features 21 men that gave their lives during World War I, World War II, and the Korean War and are listed on the Richmond Cenotaph but do not have a road named after them.
Lives Behind the Memorial Road Names - Poppy Street Signs
In 2016 the City installed new poppy-adorned street signs to commemorate these local soldiers who lost their lives in military service. The program was initiated by the Friends of the Richmond Archives and matches similar programs in other cities across Canada, Europe and New Zealand.
This section provides information on the lives behind those Richmond residents that lost their lives in World War I and World War II, are inscribed on the Richmond Cenotaph, and have a road named after them. Names are organized alphabetically by last name:
- Private John James Watson Abercrombie
- Private Lyle Melburn Allison
- Private Robert Spratt Bowcock
- John Boyd
- Lieutenant Ralph Barr Carter
- Private Richard Chatterton
- David Gordon Comstock
- Flying Officer (AG) Everett Ellwyn Cooper
- Corporal Douglas Earl Craig
- Walter J. Davies
- Flight Sergeant (BA) James Edward Dayton
- Flying Officer Robert Samuel Dixon
- Leading Aircraftman Gordon Meadows Dolphin
- Private John Donald
- Private Ernest Edward Edgington
- Flight Lieutenant William Fedoruk
- Graham Alexander Finlayson
- Private John Reginald Forsyth
- Pilot Officer Russell Bowyer Foster
- Pilot Officer Donald Irwin Gage
- Flying Officer Lionel Edmond Charles Gagnon
- Private Louis Pete Gamba
- Lance Corporal John Gates
- Private Frederick Nathan Gay
- Pilot Officer James Walter Gibbons
- Pilot Officer Hugh Boyd Gilmore
- Private Arthur Charles Grandy
- Private Arne William Greenland
- Private Frederick John Hall
- Private James Arthur Hayne
- Ordinary Seaman Walter Kartner
- Private Bertram Kitcher
- Private Thomas Lechow
- Corporal George Lemon
- Sergeant Reginald Lemon
- Corporal Thomas Ellis Leslie
- Lieutenant Elvet Baxter McCutcheon
- Flying Officer Ross George McKessock
- Flying Officer Burns Alexander McLennan
- Private Neal Findlay McLeod
- Private Charles Mang
- Flying Officer Bernard Joy Moffatt
- Private William George Moore
- A. [Archie] Muir
- Private Louis Ethelbert Myhill
- Pilot Officer Air Gunner Ian Thomas Myron
- Warrant Officer Gordon William Olafsen
- Private Robert Charles Scotchbrook
- Private Edgar Joseph Shields
- Private George William Sills
- [Lyman Cyrus Day-]Smith
- Lieutenant Lewis Ord Riddell Tucker
- Private Edgar Samuel Turnill
- Warrant Officer William Victor Wallace
- Private Arthur Edward Wheeler
- Leading Aircraftman Pilot John Henry Reginald Willett
Lives Behind the Richmond Cenotaph
Richmond, like countless other communities across Canada, has a war memorial to honour those who died for our country in time of war.
It is too easy to forget that the young men whose names are inscribed on the Cenotaph were vibrant, energetic people. These young men deserve to be remembered as they were.
This section provides information on the remaining 21 young men inscribed on the Richmond Cenotaph who lost their lives in World War I, World War II and the Korean War. These men do not have a road named after them. However, some of these men came from families that do have a road named after their family. Names are organized alphabetically by last name:
- Able Seaman David Edgar Brown
- AB Clarence Burton
- William E. Dutfield
- Lester Finlayson
- John Foster
- Warrant Officer Robert Lewis Francis
- Private Alexander Gordon
- Private Kazuo Harada (more information soon)
- Private Hikotaro Koyanagi (more information soon)
- William Lapka
- Horace Reginald Lee
- Sergeant Observer Arthur Bennet Lesley
- Francis John Matier
- George Nelson
- Sapper Hugh John Nelson
- Gunner Allan John Osborne
- Aircraftman 1st Class Kenneth Donald Reimer
- James Scott
- John Robert Simpson
- Private Walter Steeves
- Ferdinand Adam Treichel
- Private Edward Williams
- Flying Officer John Williams
If you are interested in viewing original military files, Library and Archives Canada is working on digitizing service files from World War I and World War II. You can access those on the Library and Archives Canada's website:
- First World War: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/personnel-records/Pages/search.aspx
- Second World War: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/second-world-war/second-world-war-dead-1939-1947/Pages/search.aspx
In this section
- Private John James Watson Abercrombie
- Private Lyle Melburn Allison
- Private Robert Spratt Bowcock
- John Boyd
- Lieutenant Ralph Barr Carter
- Private Richard Chatterton
- David Gordon Comstock
- Flying Officer (AG) Everett Ellwyn Cooper
- Corporal Douglas Earl Craig
- Walter J. Davies
- Flight Sergeant (BA) James Edward Dayton
- Flying Officer Robert Samuel Dixon
- Leading Aircraftman Gordon Meadows Dolphin
- Private John Donald
- Private Ernest Edward Edgington
- Flight Lieutenant William Fedoruk
- Graham Alexander Finlayson
- Private John Reginald Forsyth
- Pilot Officer Russell Bowyer Foster
- Pilot Officer Donald Irwin Gage
- Flying Officer Lionel Edmond Charles Gagnon
- Private Louis Pete Gamba
- Lance Corporal John Gates
- Private Frederick Nathan Gay
- Pilot Officer James Walter Gibbons
- Pilot Officer Hugh Boyd Gilmore
- Private Arthur Charles Grandy
- Private Arne William Greenland
- Private Frederick John Hall
- Private James Arthur Hayne
- Ordinary Seaman Walter Kartner
- Private Bertram Kitcher
- Private Thomas Lechow
- Corporal George Lemon
- Sergeant Reginald Lemon
- Corporal Thomas Ellis Leslie
- Lieutenant Elvet Baxter McCutcheon
- Flying Officer Ross George McKessock
- Flying Officer Burns Alexander McLennan
- Private Neal Findlay McLeod
- Private Charles Mang
- Flying Officer Bernard Joy Moffatt
- Private William George Moore
- A. [Archie] Muir
- Private Louis Ethelbert Myhill
- Pilot Officer Air Gunner Ian Thomas Myron
- Warrant Officer Gordon William Olafsen
- Private Robert Charles Scotchbrook
- Private Edgar Joseph Shields
- Private George William Sills
- [Lyman Cyrus Day-]Smith
- Lieutenant Lewis Ord Riddell Tucker
- Private Edgar Samuel Turnill
- Warrant Officer William Victor Wallace
- Private Arthur Edward Wheeler
- Leading Aircraftman Pilot John Henry Reginald Willett
- Able Seaman David Edgar Brown
- AB Clarence Burton
- Leading Seaman William Edward Dutfield
- Lester Finlayson
- John Ansley Foster
- Warrant Officer Robert Lewis Francis
- Private Alexander Gordon
- Private William Lapka
- Private Horace Reginald Lee
- Sergeant Observer Arthur Bennet Lesley
- Sergeant Francis John Matier
- George Nelson
- Sapper Hugh John Nelson
- Gunner Allan John Osborne
- Aircraftman 1st Class Kenneth Donald Reimer
- James Scott
- Private John Robert Simpson
- Private Walter Steeves
- Sergeant Ferdinand Adam Treichel
- Private Edward Williams
- Flying Officer John Williams