Activity Search Tool Help

An easier way to find Parks, Recreation and Culture activities and programs using the new Digital Guide.
Customize your search
Find programs tailored just for you and your family with 4 simple questions.
Print or save for easy access during registration.
For help, view the Activity Search Tool Instructional Guide PDF.
Activity Search
FAQs - Activity Search tool
Can the Activity Search tool be used without a MyRichmond account?
No, but an account is simple to create. Visit for details.
Where can more information be found on how to use the Activity Search tool?
View the Activity Search Tool Instructional Guide PDF above.
Where can information on drop-in sessions be found?
The Schedules & Fees webpage has a link available on the Activity Search landing page or visit
What is the Keyword Search Field, and how can it be used to search for programs?
Search in the Save Activity Search menu option under My Community in Richmond. Results will appear after entering a keyword found in at least one program title.
How can a Favourite page be created?
After filters are selected in the Activity Search tool, users will be redirected to the Save Activity Search tool. Here, favourites can be saved. For more information, visit the FAQ: Where can more information be found on how to use the Activity Search tool?
Can a Favourite page be created for every family member?
Yes, there is no limit.
How can I download my search results?
Once filters are used to search for programs, access the Export button in the Save Activity Search menu option under My Community in MyRichmond. Up to 800 programs can be exported.
Is there a limit to the number of programs that can be populated in one search?
There is no limit for populating, but there is a limit of 800 programs that can be exported. For best performance, it is recommended to keep searches as minimal as possible.
Can the program status (spots available, waitlist) be viewed from my downloaded search results?
No, refer to the Program Registration webpage for that information instead.
How can the tool be used to help register for programs on registration night?
Export the programs into a saved PDF file. Use the PDF file to identify priority programs, then click on the specific program titles to be redirected to the Program Registration webpage.