Public Tree Management Strategy 2045
On December 9, 2019, City of Richmond Council adopted the City of Richmond Public Tree Management Strategy 2045, A Plan for Managing Richmond’s Public Urban Forest. This Strategy demonstrates the City’s continued commitment to maintaining a healthy urban forest and the prudent management of this valuable natural asset. The document outlines the goals and objectives for the sustainable stewardship of all City-owned trees for the next 25 years.
The complete Public Tree Management Strategy 2045 is available for viewing by downloading the PDF documents below:
Public Tree Management Strategy - Executive Summary and Table of Contents
Public Tree Management Strategy - Planning the City's Public Urban Forest of 2045
Public Tree Management Strategy - Urban Forest History and Benefits
Public Tree Management Strategy - Status and Trends
Public Tree Management Strategy - The Future of the Public Urban Forest
Public Tree Management Strategy - Strategy Objectives and Action Plan
Strategy Overview
The Public Tree Management Strategy has a 25-year outlook that aligns with the City’s projected population growth rate and development patterns as envisioned in the City’s Official Community Plan. This timeframe is a reasonable period reflecting the expected growth rates of trees in our climate and the results of revised tree management practices should become apparent within this allotted time.
The vision for the City’s public urban forest is embodied in the following vision statement:
Richmond’s public trees are managed as a high-value, civic asset. Richmond trees are beautiful, resilient and sustainable and are supported by the community for the benefits they provide.
The video below provides an overview of the Strategy and highlights key goals and targets identified for future action.
Strategy Goals and Targets
The goals of the Public Tree Management Strategy are:
- Goal #1: Conserve and protect the public urban forest;
- Target: 30% of City trees have a diameter greater than 40 cm by 2045.
- Goal #2: Manage and maintain a healthy and safe public urban forest;
- Target: Tree mortality is less than 3.5% for City trees less than 10cm diameter by 2045 and maintenance practices maximize the healthy life-span of mature trees.
- Goal #3: Enhance and expand the extent and health of the public urban forest;
- Target: Increase canopy cover over the public realm from 20% to 30% by 2045.
- Goal #4: Educate and engage with the community on the benefits of the public urban forest and provide opportunities for community stewardship;
- Target: Engage 1,000 people per year on the role and value of Richmond’s public urban forest.

The Public Urban Forest
The City’s entire urban forest is broken into two distinct categories: trees on public land and those on private property. As of 2019, city-wide, the urban forest contains approximately 360,000 trees. The public urban forest is comprised of approximately 100,000 trees.
The public urban forest is defined as trees growing on City-owned land in parks, medians and boulevards in streets, road rights of way, civic properties and natural areas. This also includes many of the trees located on Richmond School District No. 38 lands managed and maintained by the City.
Tree Species Selection
The City is planting an urban forest that is adapted to climate change. Species selection, that is, selecting the right tree for the right location, is a key factor to ensure a newly planted tree successfully reaches maturity and thrives in our urban environment. Species selection is guided by Metro Vancouver’s recommended urban tree list.
For more information on the Public Tree Management Strategy 2045, contact:
Parks Planning, Design and Construction, Community Services Division
Phone: 604-244-1208