Public Spaces

2016 About Public Spaces Recycling

Public Spaces Services

Maintaining a litter-free city is a key focus area to ensure residents can enjoy clean parks and public spaces. The City of Richmond has made efforts to ensure that there are garbage bins, and in many cases recycling options, in public spaces throughout the city. The City's receptacles include instructional bin labels to help inform people about how to sort items correctly. Many of the bins feature images that complement the surrounding scenery, and others feature custom artwork by local artists. To further improve capacity and operational efficiency, the City also has large in-ground garbage collection bins in high traffic areas.

Report Illegal Dumping

Litter Prevention & Clean Up

City crews work seven days a week to collect litter from parks, school grounds, roadsides, sidewalks and boulevards. They also collect illegally-dumped materials found on City property and provide safe disposal and recycling of these items. Together, these measures help to support a safe and appealing community. Here are some ways you can help prevent litter:

  • Keep trash containers securely covered at home and at work.
  • Secure your garbage inside plastic bags so it doesn't blow around when the collector empties your can.
  • Clean up litter around your home or business.
  • Leave parks and recreation areas clean for others to enjoy.
  • Lead by example. Use only designated containers for depositing litter.
  • Return all beverage containers for a deposit refund.