Community Art Exhibitions

The Richmond Cultural Centre public area has two exhibitions – the Upper Rotunda Gallery and Minoru Hall Gallery.  

Minoru Hall Gallery

Featuring lens-based and community artwork year-round, contributors to this exhibition space are wide-ranging, including Council-appointed programs, as well as partnerships and special projects from the City of Richmond Archives and Parks, Recreation and Culture.

O Zone Photo Documentation Project is currently on display at Minoru Hall Gallery. As part of its role in preserving the documentary evidence of Richmond’s participation in the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, the City of Richmond Archives approached the Richmond Photo Club to provide the expertise of its members in capturing a photographic record of the O Zone celebration site. 22 volunteer photographers submitted approximately 2,000 images of the O Zone documenting all 17 days of activities, as well as the Olympic Torch Relay through Richmond. These images are now part of the permanent holdings of the Archives. This exhibit has been made possible with the support of the City of Richmond Archives, Friends of the Richmond Archives and Richmond Arts Services. 

Upper Rotunda Gallery

The Upper Rotunda Gallery is a community-based gallery space exhibiting works from the Richmond Arts Centre Resident Art Groups, community artists/groups, art students and emerging artists. Located in the Richmond Cultural Centre, this space is approximately 80' long by 6' high. Submissions may include but are not limited to: paintings, drawings, photography, textile arts, mixed media and digital/media arts. Due to spatial and accessibility requirements, only 3D artworks under one square foot may be considered for display cases and protected plinths.

The Richmond Art Gallery and the Community Cultural Development program partner to manage exhibition submissions. Artists and artist groups from Richmond will be prioritized, however proposals are accepted from artists living beyond the city. Submissions are accepted throughout the year and should be submitted via email to

Materials submitted will not be returned; do not submit original work. Artists will receive notice of receipt for submissions. Submissions will be kept on file for consideration for a period of up to one year.