Major Facilities Projects

City facilities are critical to the delivery of a broad range of services to the public. Richmond is a growing community and the City of Richmond is committed to investing in infrastructure to meet community needs. City Council approved a priority list of major facility projects for the period of 2016-2026 including the facilities below.

Other new priority projects may arise over time as community needs change or other funding opportunities become available.

Typical Facility Project Planning Stages

Facility development projects typically consist of many stages of advanced planning and design leading up to occupancy, including: project initiation, program development, site selection, concept design, form and character, enabling works, detailed design and construction implementation. From conception through opening to the public, the process generally takes three to seven years to implement. It is important to note that not all projects will include all of the stages listed or conduct stages in the same sequential order.

Steveston Community Centre and Library Replacement

Project Stage: Detailed Design/Site Preparation
Location: Steveston Village (currently located at 4111 Moncton Street)

Steveston Community Centre Ground Breaking

Project Description

On September 23, 2019, Council approved the 60,350 sq. ft. program for the Steveston Community Centre and Library replacement, which was developed from feedback gathered through public engagement. On December 15, 2020, Council approved the site for the new facility to be located in the southeast quadrant of Steveston Park. The new facility will support a local community centre and library programs, regional tournaments and events, and allow for future population growth.

Council has approved the program, site location, floor plans and concept design for the new facility, as well as a budget of $90 million to complete the design and construction of the facility. Site preparation began October 2022 with an anticipated opening in 2026. As work progresses, this page will continue to be updated.

To learn more about the Steveston Community Centre and Library project and construction updates, visit: Steveston Community Centre and Library story map.

Related Materials/Links

Date Description Title
Oct 17, 2022 Report to General Purposes Committee Naming the Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library Replacement Facility
Jul 18, 2022 Report to General Purposes Committee Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library - Form and Character
Mar 21, 2021 Let's Talk Richmond - Storyboards Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library - Let's Talk Richmond
Dec 15, 2020 Report to General Purposes Committee Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library Replacement - Site Selection
Sep 23, 2019 Report to General Purposes Committee Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library Proposed Program and Site Area
Nov 19, 2018 Report To General Purposes Committee Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library Program Update
Jul 16, 2018 Report To General Purposes Committee Steveston Community Centre and Branch Library Program
Apr 21, 2018 Town Hall Materials Project Guiding Principles

Engagement Strategy, Process and Results

Proposed Building Program
Dec 20, 2017 Report to Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Committee Public Engagement Plan for the Steveston Community Centre Concept Design

Visit Steveston Community Centre and Richmond Public Library - Steveston Branch for more information on the programs and services currently offered.

Works Yard Replacement Project – Phase 1

Project Stage: Advanced Planning/Program Development
Location: 5599 Lynas Lane
Capital Funding: $100 Million

Project Description

The Works Yard is critical to providing essential services, operations, maintenance, emergency response and disaster recovery to the community. 

The Works Yard was completed in 1981. The facilities and infrastructure do not meet modern building code standards nor post-disaster standards.  These deficiencies could restrict or impede the City’s ability to respond and recover from a significant seismic or flood event, as those events would likely damage the Works Yard to an extent that would make it inoperable and potentially unsalvageable for an extended period of time.  

Replacement of the Works Yard at its current site, 5599 Lynas Lane, was approved by Council in July 2023. It is estimated that the full Works Yard Replacement Project will be delivered in multiple phases over 7-10 years during which operations will be maintained, serving customers and the community throughout construction.

Phase 1 will include:
  • Relocating staff
  • Repurposing and demolishing identified existing site facilities
  • Constructing an administration building and parkade

The Works Yard Replacement Project will be designed to:
  • Improve the City’s ability to respond and recover from events impacting community safety and emergencies
  • Perform City services essential to the health, safety, mobility and quality of life of Richmond residents and businesses
  • Function in the event of a major disaster, dike breach, seismic or flood event
  • Be innovative, resilient and sustainable, meeting the spatial and functional requirements of the various work groups and allowing for future growth
  • Support strategic and sustainable community growth and development for generations

General Considerations:
  • Typical construction will be from 7:00am to 5:00pm, Mon to Fri and will comply with Noise Regulation Bylaw No. 8856.
  • Advance notification regarding work that may impact residents, businesses and staff will be provided. 

Capstan Community Centre

Project Stage: Development Permit
Location: Capstan Village

Project Description

Capstan Community Centre is planned for the second phase of the YuanHeng Development in the Capstan Village area; a mixed use development that includes 33,000 sq. ft. for a two-storey facility located just off No. 3 Road near Capstan Way.

The facility will include a large gymnasium for sports and community events, an indoor activity track, studios and spaces for arts and creative pursuits, a children’s exploratorium, as well as a variety of multipurpose spaces and community gathering areas.

This developer-funded facility is being provided as a community amenity contribution. The City of Richmond will receive a turn-key community centre and will obtain ownership of the facility once completed.

Related Materials/Links

Date Description Title
Sep 20, 2016 Report To Planning Committee Application by YuanHeng Seaview Developments Ltd & YuanHeng Seaside Developments Ltd for Rezoning at […]
Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Replacement

Project Stage: Concept Design and Form and Character
Location: Minoru Park (currently located at 6131 Bowling Green Road)
Budget: $5.3 Million

Project Description

The project to replace the existing Lawn Bowling Clubhouse, located in the north east corner of Minoru Park, is underway. On May 27, 2019, Council approved the building program that includes a multipurpose room, change rooms, kitchen and storage to accommodate membership and attract provincial and national level tournaments and competitions. In addition, the new facility will be available for use by other community groups.

Public Engagement Status

In coordination with the Minoru Park Vision Plan, and through input from public open houses, best practices visits and consultation with stakeholders, the program and site options for a new clubhouse were developed. Additional engagement opportunities will be provided in the detailed design stage of the project.

Related Materials/Links

Date Description Title
May 27, 2019 Report to General Purposes Committee Richmond Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Program Options
Dec 17, 2018 Report To General Purposes Committee Richmond Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Site and Program Update
May 22, 2018 Report to General Purposes Committee Major Facilities Phase 2 - Richmond Lawn Bowling Program Plan and Site
Sep 27 & 28, 2017 Open House Materials – September 27 & 28, 2017 Richmond Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Open House Outcomes

Phoenix Net Loft Restoration

Project Stage: Project Initiation and Preservation Design
Location: Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site (5180 Westwater Drive)

Project Description

The Phoenix Net Loft was constructed in 1943 to dry, store and mend fishing nets as part of the Phoenix Cannery complex. The repair and storage of fishing nets was integral to the fishing and canning industries. This project will stabilize and preserve the Phoenix Net Loft to the same standard as the recently restored Seine Net Loft.

Related Materials/Links

Date Description Title
Apr 16, 2018 Report To General Purposes Committee Phoenix Net Loft Preservation

Visit Britannia Shipyards for more information on the programs and services offered at Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site.

Richmond Animal Shelter Replacement

Project Stage: Detailed Design
Location: 12071 No. 5 Road
Budget: $8 Million

Richmond Animal Shelter - web banner

Project Description

On July 22, 2019, Council approved the guiding principles, program and site for the new animal shelter facility. The new Richmond Animal Shelter officially opened in July 2022. The replacement of the former facility has modernized the facility and operations in order to meet community needs.

Related Materials/Links

Date Description Title
Jul 22, 2019 Report To General Purposes Committee Animal Shelter Guiding Principles, Building and Program Options, and Site
Jan 21, 2019 Report To General Purposes Committee Animal Shelter Guiding Principles, Program Options and Site
May 22, 2018 Report To General Purposes Committee Animal Shelter Guiding Principles, Program and Site